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A Mommy Makeover and Children Columbus OH

The first question to consider when thinking about having a mommy makeover is: Am I finished having children? In general, you want the answer to that question to be ‘yes’ before you have a tummy tuck or breast lift.


There are situations, however, where even if the answer is ‘no’ you could still proceed with surgery. For a patient who has lost a tremendous amount of weight unrelated to pregnancy and now has severe breast sagging along with a lot of excess abdominal skin, it may be prudent to go ahead with lifting and tucking before having children with the knowledge that more may need to be done in the future after having children.

After Care

The true answer to the above question may have a lot to do with what your support system is like; meaning how much help do you have as far as taking care of your children while you are recovering from surgery. With most tummy tuck procedures, you are limited to lifting not more than 15-20 pounds for six weeks after surgery while the muscles are healing. In addition, you are not allowed to drive until you are off of all pain medication and you are comfortable enough to turn and look behind you.

Weight Loss First

Once you have lost most or all of your excess weight from pregnancy and as long as you have enough help for a few weeks after surgery, you can have a mommy makeover whenever you are ready for it. It is not uncommon to see patients who are as excited to start getting their old figure back as they are to no longer think about being pregnant again. We’re ready for you when you are ready for us!

When Younger is Better

It is wise to have surgery when you are in the best possible condition and health; for most of us, that is when we are younger. If you wait too long, those nagging medical problems that you will suffer from for the rest of your life show up. Some of these, especially weight gain, high blood pressure and diabetes can increase your risks for surgery and may limit the number of procedures that you can have at one time.


It is not unusual for finances to dictate when you can have cosmetic surgery. Although it is not recommended that you go into debt for aesthetic surgery, there are companies that will loan money for plastic surgery. We have had good experience with CareCredit (www.carecredit.com) and they are currently the only finance company that we work with.

Your Decision

As you can see, the only hard and fast rule for when to have a mommy makeover is when you are finished having children. For all of the other considerations, it depends on which ones are most important to you; you do it when it fits your wants, desires and needs.

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